Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Barber Cabin

Saturday saw me and Champ headed south to the Kenai Peninsula for a weekend trip to the Barber Cabin. We picked up Ted and Linda in Anchorage (the big city only minutes from Alaska) and then headed to the trailhead at Russian River Campground. Temperatures were a balmy 27 degrees when we loaded up the sleds for the 4 miule hike to the cabin.

Hiking in we made excellent progress until we hit the winter trail. The going got slower as we were breaking trail most of the way. My new sled was quite an improvement over the old one and the rigging job proved to be perfect. No turnovers or lost loads.

By 3:30 we had the cabin in view. The married couple had not yet started physically assaulting each other so a successful trip. The cabin had recently been completely remodeled and was very comfy. Best of all, a wood shed full of spruce.

Later on we were joined by Jennifer and Josetta and Tippy. After a nighttime hike to pick up some gear the girls couldn't get all the way in, a dinner of Spaghetti and green salad, Champ and I hit the sack.

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