Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Goodbye to Winter

Spent the Easter weekend at the Yuditna Cabin on Eklutna Lake, about 35 miles from Anchorage, Alaska. Pulled in a sled load of stuff on a trail that was mostly ice which made for easy pulling. The occasional stretch of bare ground we crossed was the opposite. In a few weeks if not sooner, the ice and snow will be gone completely. Time to put the sled away.

Champ had a blast as Kaya, a friends lab, accompanied us on this trip. Kaya has a fancy dog bed/bag while Champ had the old piece of foam that he shares with Lester, Bear and whoever. Every chance she got, Kaya lay on his bed rather than hers.

We had ham, garlic roasted potatos, green bean casserole, and brownies, a real Easter feast. Came home to a late afternoon snowfall. Not sticking as the temps are above freezing for most of the day now.

While I made it through winter with the firewood I cut last summer, it was touch and go for awhile. I decided to buy a cord of wood so I'd have some for the occasional evening fire and campfire wood for summer. Spent yesterday getting that stacked on the deck. So I'm set for the Alaskan summer.

Headed to Hope with the Anchorage Adventurers Group. About 40 of us plan to camp at Porcupine Campground Friday and Saturday, hiking and biking the area. It will be the largest gathering yet for this group. I have visions of the Rainbow People gatherings we used to hear about from time to time.

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